I’m on my last clean running outfit and determined to not attempt laundry in my apartment’s shared laundromat on the weekend. But it’s Sunday and in my marathon training world, Sundays are for long runs, so a long run it will be. After my miles, I’m taking stock of the way stretching my body feels different before and after a shower. That’s when I notice a solid blister near my left Achilles.
My mind flashes back to mile five when I realized my less-than-ideal socks were rubbing in a less-than-ideal way. I dramatically flop onto my bed. I had adjusted the socks! Why is it still like this? I haven’t had blisters in years!
I make a mental note to buy more socks.
An hour or so later and I am rotating my ankle and poking at the skin. Every part of me as a runner knows I need to leave it alone if I want it to heal as quickly as possible. But every part of me as a curious, impatient human wants to mess with the skin.
Ah, but don’t I know better? It may have been a while since I’ve had insufferable blisters but haven’t I read this story once? Don’t I know the ending?
Miracle of miracles, my prudence prevails and when I lace up my shoes two days later, I can hardly tell which foot was the problem.
Whatever personal story you’re thinking of now, keep it in your mind. Are you back and forth between the two choices? One that might be fun or exciting or dangerous? One that you know, deep down, is a bad idea? One that might give some immediate satisfaction but will take a lot more time to heal? And what about the other? You’ve been at this crossroads. You know which path you’re supposed to take.
So take it. There will still be discomfort… there’s no guarantee of an easy way out. But if one choice brings you closer to healing… to being healthier… to reducing suffering and speeding up a return to normalcy, pick that.
Pick the thing that gives you another chance. To lace up your sneakers. To believe in love. To experience life with the people you care about.
You know how this chapter ends if you keep choosing the “poke at the blister” path. Now is maybe the chance to choose the alternative.
Allow yourself to create a new ending. Allow yourself to write your own story.
