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When A Day Begins

Liz Buechele

I usually wake up at 6:11. 

Some days I wake up slow. I play Wordle and read the New York Times on the sofa. Some days I wake up fast and am out the door for a morning run before the pillow creases have left my face. Some days fall somewhere in between. A loaf of pumpkin bread in the oven (fast) while I lounge with a cup of tea and a language study app (slow).

Sometimes, on those slow mornings, lingering over pancakes with a loved one, I’ll suddenly throw my hands on my knees and launch up with the announcement “well, I should probably start my day!”

As if pancakes didn’t count.

As if breakfast with bed head isn’t important.

The other day, I read a social media quote that said: “loving yourself can look like: waking up earlier, cooking a protein rich breakfast, then taking a 20 minute walk before you start your day. Self love = better habits.” 

As with all internet quotes, this might work for some. And—disregarding how sleeping and eating and exercising habits vary greatly human to human—I do agree that creating habits that work for you is an important act of self love and respect and care. I think some of my habits have saved my life.

But I was immediately struck by the “before you start your day” part of the quote. Cooking a protein rich breakfast? Taking a 20 minute walk? Is that not the day?

It’s easy to compartmentalize our hours. One of my favorite perks of waking up early is having lots of time in the morning to do my things before the work day begins. But those 3 hours before 9:00 AM aren’t lost time. They’re my day. The day that begins whether I’m ready for it or not.

This week I hope you do prioritize yourself. I hope you make breakfast or go for a walk if that’s what feels best in your earliest hours. But more than all of that, I hope you find joy in each waking hour. Whether you ease into the morning or hit the ground running, I hope you feel ownership of your time and your timelines. 

May our days start with something that brings peace. And may we feel that for every hour to come. 


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