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On June 23rd 2018, Liz Buechele (Founder) and Zack Shively (Marketing and Logistics Manager), left the Pittsburgh area in a rental car. The next 56 days were spent covering 28 states and surviving off a combined total of 72 slices of pizza. They returned the car on August 16th with 12,896 miles on it.  This is the #SmileProjectRoadTrip

By the numbers:

- Distributed 300 sea star pins

- Donated over 200 articles of clothing

- Delivered $100s of animal supplies to 2 different shelters 

- Bought meals and coffee for over 35 people

- Worked with over 30 organizations

- Made the news in San DiegoLos Angeles, and Omaha

Helped 1 lost dog get home


To read more about the trip, click here.

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Coming soon..

A book about Kindness in the United States

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